Friday, February 15, 2008

Romania- facts

Official Name: Romania

Location: SE- Central Europe

Time Zone: Eight hours ahead of U.S. Central Time (GMT + 2)

Area: 91,725 sq. miles (237,502 sq. km)

Flag of Romania: Three vertical stripes: red, yellow and blue.

Population: 21,400,000 in 2006

Ethnic Groups: Romanian 89%, Hungarian 7.5%, Gipsy 1.9%, German, Other 1.6%

Religions: Christian Orthodox 87%, Roman Catholic 5%, Protestant 5%, Jewish

Official Language: Romanian

Currencies: Romanian Leu (RON)

Climate: Temperate, four distinct seasons, similar to northeastern USA

Capital: Bucharest

Form of State: Parliamentary Republic with two legislative bodies: Senate and Chamber of Representatives

Legal system: Based on European models and Constitution of 1991.

Electoral System: Universal direct suffrage over the age of 18.
Only parties gaining more than 5% of the national vote are eligible for seats in the Parliament.

National Election: Fall 2008 (parliamentary), Fall 2009 (presidential).

Head of State: President of the Republic, currently Mr. Traian Basescu. Romania's president is allowed to serve two consecutive five-year terms.

National Government: Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Parliament.

Head of the Government: the Prime Minister, currently Mr. Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Romanian Language. Basic phrases for traveling to Romania

Romanian is a Romance language spoken mainly in Romania and Moldova, as well as in some parts of Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.Romanian is a fairly difficult language to learn and speak for English speakers, due to its complicated grammar. It is, however, very similar to Italian, and, to a some extent, other Romance languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, etc.), so speakers of these languages are more at an advantage.The name Romania or Rumania and its derivatives, come from the Latin word 'Romanus', and are etymologically related to Rome, the capital city of the Roman empire and now the capital city of Italy.

"Salut." (sah-LOOT)
How are you?
"Ce mai faci?" (cheh my FAHTCH)
Fine, thank you.
"Mulţumesc, bine." (mool-tzu-MESK BEE-nay)
What is your name? (formal)
"Cum vă numiţi? (coom vuh noo-MEETZ)
What's your name? (informal)
"Cum te cheamă? (coom teh KYAHM-uh)
My name is ______.
"Numele meu e ______." (NOO-meh-leh MEH-oo yeh ______.)
Nice to meet you.
"Încântat" (oohn-kahn-taht) or "Îmi pare bine" (OOHM pah-reh BEE-neh)
"Vă rog" (vuh ROHG; usually follows the request.)
Thank you
"Mulţumesc" (mool-tzoo-MESK)
Thank you very much
"Mulţumesc mult." (mool-tzoo-MESK moolt)
You're welcome
"Cu plăcere" (koo pluh-CHAIR-eh)
"Da" (DAH)
"Nu" (NOO)
Excuse me. (Getting attention)
"Pardon" (pahr-DOHN) or "Vă rog" (vuh ROHG)
Excuse me. (begging pardon, moving through crowd)
"Pardon" (pahr-DOHN)
I'm sorry
"Îmi pare rău" (oohm pah-reh RUH-OH)
"La revedere" (lah reh-veh-DEH-reh)
"Pa" ("PAH"; in informal occasions in Transylvania - "Servus" [sehr-VOOS])
See you soon
"Pe curând" ("peh cur-OOHND")
I can't speak Romanian [well].
"Nu vorbesc [bine] româneste." (NOO vor-BESC [BEE-nay] Roh-MOOHN-esh-teh)
Do you speak English?
"Vorbiţi engleză?" (vor-BEETZ eng-LEH-zuh)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
"Vorbeşte cineva aici engleză?" (vor-BESH-teh CHEEH-neh-vah AY-eetch eng-LEH-zuh)
"Ajutor!" (ah-zhoo-TOR)
Look out!
"Atenţie" (ah-TEN-tzee-eh)
Good morning
"Bună dimineaţa" (BOO-nuh dee-mee-NYAH-tzuh)
Good day
"Bună ziua" (BOO-nuh zee-wah)
Good evening
"Bună seara" (BOO-nuh syah-ruh)
Good night (to sleep)
"Noapte bună" (NWAHP-teh BOO-nuh)
I'm Hungry
"Mi-e Foame" (Me-ae fo-ah-may)
I'm Thirsty
"Mi-e Sete" (Me-ae s-et-te)
I'm Tired
"Mi-e Somn" (Me-ae s-oh-m)
I'm Scared
"Mi-e Frica" (Me-ae f-ri-cah)
I don't understand
"Nu înţeleg" (NOO oohn-tzeh-LEG)
Where's the bathroom?
"Unde e toaleta?" (OON-deh yeh twah-LEH-tah)
The check, please
"Nota de plată, vă rog" (NO-tah deh PLAT-tuh, vuh ROHG)
Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
"Acceptaţi dolari americani/canadieni/australieni?" (ock-chep-TAHTS DOH-lah-ree ah-meh-ree-KAHN/kah-nah-dee-EHN/ah-oo-strah-lee-EHN? (...)
Do you accept British pounds?
"Acceptaţi lire sterline?" (ock-chep-TAHTS LEE-reh stehr-LEE-neh?)
Do you accept credit cards?
"Acceptaţi cărţi de credit?" (ock-chep-TAHTS KUHRTZ deh CREH-deet?)
Can you change money for me?
"Puteţi să schimbaţi bani pentru mine?" (poo-TEHTS suh skim-BAHTZ BAHN PEHN-troo MEE-nay?) or "Puteţi să schimbaţi valută pentru mine?" (poo-TEHTS suh skim-BAHTZ vah-LOO-tah PEHN-troo MEE-nay?)
Where can I get money changed?
"Unde pot să schimb bani?" (OON-deh POHT suh SKIMB BAHN?) or "Unde pot să schimb valuta?" (OON-deh POHT suh SKIMB vah-LOO-tah?)
Can you change a traveler's check for me?
"Puteţi să schimbaţi un cec de calatorie pentru mine?" (poo-TEHTS suh skim-BAHTZ oon CHECK deh cah-lah-TOH-ree-eh PEHN-troo MEE-nay?)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
"Unde pot să schimb cecul de calatorie?" (OON-deh POHT suh SKIMB CHE-cool deh cah-lah-TOH-ree-eh )
What is the exchange rate?
"Cât este rata de schimb?" (COOHT YES-teh RAH-tah deh SKIMB?)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
"Unde este un bancomat?" (OON-deh YES-teh OON BAHN-co-MAHT)
Do you have any rooms available?
"Aveţi camere libere?" (ah-VEHTZ KAH-meh-reh LEE-beh-reh)
How much is a room for one person/two people?
"Cât costa o cameră pentru o persoană / pentru doua persoane?" (COOHT KOH-stah oh KAH-meh-ruh pehn-troo OH pehr-SWAH-nuh... / pehn-troo DOH-wuh pehr-SWAH-neh)
Does the room come with...
"Exista in camere..." (ex-EES-tuh oon come-ereh...)
"...aşternuturi?" (ahsh-tehr-NOO-toor)
...another blanket?
"...încă o patură" (OOHN-cuh oh PAH-too-ruh)
...a bathroom?
"...baie?" (BAY-yeh)
...a telephone?
"...telefon?" (teh-leh-FOHN)
...a TV?
"...televizor?" (teh-leh-vee-ZOHR)
May I see the room first?
"Pot să văd camera întâi?" (poht suh VUHD CAH-meh-rah oohn-TOOH-ee)
Do you have anything quieter?
"Aveţi ceva mai liniştit?" (ah-VEHTZ CHEH-vah MAY LEE-nee-SHTEET)
"...mai mare?" (MAY MAH-reh)
"...mai curat?" (MAY koo-RAHT)
"...mai ieftin?" (MAY yef-TEEN)
OK, I'll take the room.
"Bine. Vreau camera." (BEEN-eh. VRYOW KAH-meh-rah)
I will stay for one night.
"Eu rămân pentru o noapte." (Yeh-oo ruh-MOOHN PEHN-troo oh NWAHP-teh)
I will stay for _____ nights.
"Eu rămân ______ nopţi." (YEH-oo ruh-MOOHN _____ NOHPTZ
Can you suggest another hotel?
"Puteţi recomanda alt hotel?" (poo-TEHTZ reh-coh-MAHN-dah AHLT hoh-TEHL)
Do you have a safe?
"Aveţi seif?" (ah-VETZ SEYF)
"...cuiere?" (KOO-yeh-reh)
Is breakfast/supper included?
"Preţul include micul dejun / cină?" (PREH-tzool een-KLOO-deh MEE-kool deh-ZHOON / CHEE-nuh)
What time is breakfast/supper?
"La ce oră este micul dejun / cina?" (lah CHEH OH-ruh ye-steh MEE-kool deh-ZHOON / CHEE-nah')
Please clean my room.
"Curăţaţi camera mea, vă rog." (koo-ruh-TzAHTz CAH-meh-rah MYAH, vuh ROHG)
Can you wake me at _____?
"Puteţi să mă treziţi la _____?" (poo-TEHTZ suh muh treh-ZEETZ lah _____?)
I want to check out.
"Aş vrea să achit nota şi să plec de la hotel." (ahsh VRYAH suh ah-KEET NOH-tuh shee suh PLEHK deh lah ho-TEHL; the vowel sound in “vrea” is like the “a” in the English “cat”.)
Romanian (person, male)
"român" (ro-MUHN)
Romanian (person, female)
"româncă" (ro-MUHN-cuh)
Leave me alone.
"Lasă-mă în pace" (LAH-suh muh oohn PAH-cheh)
I'll call the police.
"Chem poliţia." (kem poh-LEE-tzee-ah)
"Poliţia!" (po-LEE-tzee-ah!)
Stop! Thief!
"Stai! Hoţi!" (STAAY! HOHTZ!)
I need your help (formal "your").
"Am nevoie deh ajutorul dumneavoastra" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh ah-ZHOO-tohr-ool doom-nyah-VWAH-strah)
I need your help (informal "your").
"Am nevoie de ajutorul tău" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh ah-ZHOO-tor-ool tuh-oo)
It's an emergency.
"E o urgenţă" (YEH oh oor-JEHN-tzuh)
I'm lost.
"M-am rătăcit" (mahm ruh-tuh-CHEET)
I lost my bag.
"Mi-am pierdut valiza" (mee-AHM pee-ehr-DOOT vah-LEE-zah)
I lost my wallet.
"Mi-am pierdut portmoneul/portofelul." (mee-AHM pee-ehr-DOOT POHRT-mohn-eh-ool/POHRT-o-FEH-Loo)
I'm sick.
"Sunt bolnav." (SOONT bohl-NAHV)
I've been injured.
"Sunt accidentat." (SOONT ahk-chee-dehn-TAHT)
I need a doctor.
"Am nevoie de doctor" (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh dohk-TOHR)
Can I use your phone? (formal "your")
"Pot să utilizez telefonul dumneavoastra?" (poht suh ohh-tee-LEE-zehz teh-leh-FOHN-ool doom-nyah-VWAH-strah)
Can I use your phone? (informal "your")
"Pot să utilizez telefonul tău?" (poht suh ohh-tee-LEE-zehz teh-leh-FOHN-ool TUH-oo)
acum (ah-COOM)
mai târziu (muy teer-ZEE-oo)
înainte de (oohn-I-een-teh deh)
dimineaţă (dee-mee-NYAH-tzuh)
după amiază (DOO-puh ah-MYA-zuh)
seară (SYAH-ruh)
noapte (NWAHP-teh)
ieri (yehr)
mâine (MUY-neh)
this week
săptămâna asta (suhp-tuh-MOOHN-ah AH-stah)
last week
săptămâna trecută (suhp-tueh-MOOHN-ah treh-COOT-uh)
next week
săptămâna viitoare (suhp-tuh-MOOHN-ah vee-TWAH-reh)

duminică (doo-MEEN-ee-kuh)
luni (loohn)
marţi (mahrtz)
miercuri (mee-EHR-coor)
joi (zhoy)
vineri (vee-NEHR)
sâmbătă (SUHM-bah-tah)

[edit] Months

ianuarie (ya-NWAH-ree-eh)
februarie (FEB-RWAH-ree-eh)
martie (MAR-tee-eh)
aprilie (ah-PREEL-ee-eh)
mai (my)
iunie (YOO-nee-eh)
iulie (YOO-lee-eh)
august (ow-GOOST)
septembrie (sehp-TEHM-bree-eh)
octombrie (ohk-TOHM-bree-eh)
noiembrie (noy-EHM-bree-eh)
decembrie (deh-CHEHM-bree-eh)
pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
anti-inflamator (ahnt-eehn-FLAH-mah-tohr)
...cold medicine.
...medicamente de răceală. (meh-dee-cah-MEN-teh deh ruh-CHA-luh)
...stomach medicine.
...medicamente de stomac. (meh-dee-cah-MEN-teh deh stoe-MACK)
...a razor.
o lamă de ras. (oh lah-MUH deh RAHS) umbrella.
...o umbrelă. (oh oom-BREH-luh)
...sunblock lotion.
...bronzator. (brohn-zah-TOHR)
...a postcard.
...o carte poştală (oh Car-TEH poe-SHTA-luh)
...postage stamps.
...timbre (TEAM-breh)
...baterii (baah-TEH-ree)
...writing paper.
...hârtie de scris. (hoohr-TEE-eh deh SCREESS)
...a pen.
un stilou / un pix (OOHN stee-LOW / OOHN PEEKS)
...English-language books.
...cărţi în limba engleză. (KAHR-tzee oohn LEEM-bah een-GLEHZ-ah)
...English-language magazines.
...reviste în limba engleză. (reh-VEES-teh oohn LEEM-bah een-GLEHZ-ah) English-language newspaper.
...un ziar în limba engleză. (uhn zee-AHR oohn LEEM-bah een-GLEHZ-ah)
...a Romanian-English dictionary.
...un dicţionar român-englez. (OOHN deek-tsee-oh-NAHR ro-MOOHN ehn-GLEHZ)
Do you have this in my size?
Aveţi asta în măsura mea? (ah-VEHTS AHS-tah oohn MUH-soo-ruh MEH-uh?)
How much is this?
Cât costă asta? (COOHT KOHS-tah AHS-tah?)
That's too expensive.
Este prea scump. (YES-teh PRAA SCOOMP)
Would you take _____?
Aţi accepta _____? (ahtz ahk-chehp-TAH _____?)
scump (SCOOMP)
ieftin (yef-TEEN)
A table for one person/two people, please.
O masă pentru o persoană / pentru doua persoane, vă rog. (OH MAHSS-uh pehn-troo OH pehrss-WAH-nuh... / pehn-troo DOH-ah pehrss-WAH-neh, vuh ROHG)
Can I look at the menu, please?
Pot să văd meniul, vă rog? (POHT suh voohd MEH-nyool, vuh ROHG)
Can I look in the kitchen?
Pot să mă uit în bucătărie? (POHT suh muh OOYT oohn BOO-kah-teh-ree-eh)
Is there a house specialty?
Aveţi o specialitate a casei? (ah-VETZ oh speh-chee-ah-lee-TAH-teh ah KAH-sey)
Is there a local specialty?
Aveţi o specialitate locală? (ah-VETZ oh speh-chee-ah-lee-TAH-teh loh-KAH-luh)
I'm a vegetarian.
Sunt vegetarian. (SOONT veh-jeh-tah-ree-AHN)
I don't eat pork.
Nu mănânc carne de porc. (NOO muh-NUHNK CAR-neh deh POHRK)
I don't eat beef.
Nu mănânc carne de vită. (NOO muh-NUHNK CAR-neh deh VEE-tah)
(bubbly) water
apă minerală (AH-puh mee-neh-RAH-lah)
(still) water
apă plată (AH-puh PLAH-tah)
apă (AH-puh )
bere (BEH-reh)
red/white wine
vin roşu/alb (VEEN ROH-shoo / AHLB)
May I have some _____?
(literally: I would like...) Aş dori nişte _____? (AHsh doh-REE nish-TEH ____?)
sare (SAH-reh)
black pepper
piper (PEE-pehr)
unt (OONT)
Eat well
Poftă bună ("PAUF-tuh BOO-nuh")
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of waiter)
Ospătar! (os-puh-TAHR)
May I have a glass of _____?
(literally: I would like...): Aş dori un pahar de _____. ( AHsh doh-REE oohn puh-HAR deh)
May I have a cup of _____?
(literally: I would like...)Aş dori o ceaşcă de _____. (AHsh doh-REE o CHEE-ah-shkuh deh)
May I have a bottle of _____?
(literally: I would like...)Aş dori o sticlă de _____. (AHsh doh-REE o STIK-lah deh)
cafea (kaf-AA)
tea (drink)
ceai (CHY)
suc (SOOK)
I'm finished.
Sunt gata. (SOONT gah-tah)
It was delicious.
A fost delicios. (ah fohst deh-lee-CHOHSS)
Please clear the plates.
Puteţi să strangeti farfuriile. (POOH-tehtz suh STRUHN-getzi far-FOOH-ree-leh)
The check, please
"Nota de plată, vă rog" (NO-tah day PLAT-tuh, vuh ROHG)
apă (AH-puh)
club soda
sifon (see-FOHN)
tonic water
apă tonică (AH-puh TOH-nee-kuh)
orange juice
suc de portocale (SOOK deh POHR-to-KAHL-eh)
Coke (soda)
cola (KOH-lah)
Do you have any bar snacks?
Aveţi ceva gustări? (ah-VEHTS CHEH-vah goo-STUHR?)
One more, please.
Încă unu, vă rog (OOHN-kah OOHN-oo vuh ROHG); also "Încă una, vă rog" (depends on the gender, this would be feminine) (OOHN-kah OOHN-ah vuh ROHG)
Another round, please.
Încă o serie, vă rog. (OOHN-kah oh SEH-ree-eh, vuh ROHG)
When is closing time? (literally, "When does this bar close?")
Când se închide barul ăsta? (COOHND seh uhn-KEE-deh BAH-rool AHS-ta)
I can't afford it.
Nu-mi permit. (NOO MEE pehr-MEET)
I don't want it.
Nu vreau aceasta. (noo VREH-ow ah-CHA-stuh)
You're cheating me.
Mă înşelaţi. (muh uhn-sheh-LUH-tze)
I'm not interested.
Nu sunt interesat. (noo soont een-teh-reh-SAHT)
OK, I'll take it.
Bine, îl iau. (bee-neh, uhl YA-oo.); also "Bine, o iau" (depends on the gender, this would be feminine)
Can I have a bag?
Îmi puteţi da o pungă ? (UH-me poo-TEH-tzee duh oh POON-guh ?)
Do you ship (overseas)?
Trimiteţi (în străinătate)? (tree-ME-teh-tzee(oohn strah-ee-nuh-TAH-teh)?)
I need...
Am nevoie de ... (AHM neh-VOY-eh deh...)
...pastă de dinţi. (PAH-stuh deh DEENTS)
...a toothbrush.
...periuţă de dinţi . (peh-ree-OO-tsuh deh DEENTS)
...tampoane. (tum-POAH-neh)
...săpun. (suh-POON)
...şampon. (shahm-POHN)
I want to rent a car.
Aş dori să închiriez o maşină. (AH-sh doh-REE sah uhn-KEE-ree-ehz oh mah-SHE-nah...)
Can I get insurance?
Pot obţine asigurare? (pot ohb-tseen-eh ah-see-goo-RAH-reh?)
stop (on a street sign)
one way
sens unic (SEHNS oo-NEEK)
cedează trecerea (cheh-DAA-zah treh-CHER-aa)
no parking
Nu parcaţi (noo pahr-KATS)
speed limit
viteza maximă (vee-TEH-zah MAH-ksee-mah)
gas (petrol) station
staţie de benzină (STAHTS-see-eh deh ben-ZEE-nuh)
benzină (ben-ZEE-nuh)
motorină (moh-toh-REE-nah)
ocolire (oh-mike-LEE-reh)
I haven't done anything wrong.
N-am facut nimic rău. (NAHM fah-COOT nee-MEEC RUH-oh)
It was a misunderstanding.
A fost o neînţelegere. (AH fohst oh neh-uhn-tzeh-leh-geh-reh)
Where are you taking me?
Unde mă duceţi? (OON-deh muh DOOH-chets)
Am I under arrest?
Sunt arestat? (SOONT ah-rest-AHT ?)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
Sunt cetăţean american/canadian/australian/britanic. (SOONT cheh-tuh-tseh-AHN ah-meh-ree-KAHN/kah-nah-dee-AHN/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN/bree-TAH-nik)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian consulate.
Vreau să vorbesc cu consulatul american/canadian/australian/britanic. (VROW suh vohr-BESK koo COHN-soo-LAH-tool ah-meh-ree-KAHN/kah-nah-dee-AHN/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN/bree-TAH-nik)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy.
Vreau să vorbesc cu ambasada americană/canadiană/australiană/britanică. (VROW suh vohr-BESK koo AHM-bah-SAH-dah ah-meh-ree-KAHN-uh/kah-nah-dee-AHN-uh/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN-uh/bree-TAH-nik-uh)
I want to talk to a lawyer.
Vreau să vorbesc cu un avocat. (VROW suh vohr-BESK koo oohn ah-voh-CAHT)
Can I just pay a fine now?
Aş putea doar să plătesc o amendă acum ? (AH-sh poo-TEAH DOO-arr sah plah-TEH-sk oh ah-MEN-duh ah-COOM ?)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Jimbolia, a reference page in Banat's history book

Jimbolia is my husband's hometown, he's got great memories from his childhood. I never got the chance to visit it myself, but according to his memories and billion stories, it seems to be the perfect small town community to raise your kids in, a city where people respect and cultivate their traditions, culture and most of all, their spirit. Three different nationalities Romanians, Hungarians and Germans live there for centuries in harmony and under the same banner: they are all Jimbolians!

"Jimbolia is a small town, less than 20 000 inhabitants, situated in the western part of Romania, 39 km away from the city of Timisoara, in Banat, between the plains of Timis and Mures rivers.

The town was mentioned for the first time in 1332. It appeared under different names like Chumbul, Chombol, Csomboly, Zsomboly. After the arrival of the first German settlers in 1776 the town received the name Hatzfeld, which was changed to Jimbolia in 1924. In 1857 Jimbolia was connected to Timisoara by one of the first railways in the country. The first industrial unit - the brick and tile factory, Bohn & Co, was created in 1864. The second half of the 18th century brought about important changes in the structure of the town. Many new buildings and monuments were built later, such as the Csito Castle (1863), the Administration Palace (1878), and the statue of St. Florian (1866). After World War II Jimbolia became an important industrial centre. Since the Romanian Revolution which took place in December 1989, the town has undergone important economical, political, and social transformations. There are positive perspectives in the present as far as the foreign investments and the general development of the town is concerned. "
